Earth Day 2024: All You Need To Know 

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year. The day is also known as International Mother Earth Day.  

The purpose of the day is to raise awareness about various issues that threaten the environment and endanger the planet, such as the rapidly rising levels of pollution, deforestation, and global warming. 

The planet will commemorate the 54th Earth Day on April 22, 2024, at a time when pollution is at never-before-seen levels and temperatures on are breaking records every year.  

On April 22, 1970, 20 million American citizens took to the streets across the city to protest against environmental crises such as water pollution, oil spills, forest fires, air pollution etc. 

The theme this year is "Planet vs. Plastics," which aims to increase public awareness of the detrimental effects that plastic pollution has on both human and environmental health.