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Marnie Byford

Marnie Byford: Building High-Performing Teams by Combining Passion and Expertise

With a proven track record in delivering results, improving processes, and enhancing customer satisfaction, Marnie Byford brings over 15 years of experience in the staffing and recruiting sector to Supreme Staffing. Marnie holds a master’s degree in healthcare administration and education, granting her a unique perspective and expertise within these fields.

Marnie is passionate about building and developing high-performing teams. She achieves this through effective training, coaching, and fostering a collaborative culture of excellence. Her commitment extends to Supreme Staffing’s mission and vision, where she strives to create value for clients, candidates, and partners.

As Chief Operating Officer at Supreme Staffing, Marnie skillfully maintains ongoing operations while simultaneously driving strategic innovations. These innovations focus on operational efficiency, improved customer experience, and leading various transformation initiatives within Supreme Staffing.

From Passion to Impact

Marnie explained how helping others became her passion. Every day in staffing brought new challenges and opportunities. Her current role was the result of a strong partnership with a company owner who envisioned growth for his business. His vision, combined with Marnie’s plan, laid the foundation for a successful journey.

Personalized Career Guidance

Marnie shares the struggles she faced while unemployed. She expresses her frustration with how the job search process often focused solely on resumes, overlooking the potential and personality of the applicant. This experience ignited a passion within her – the importance of personalized attention in helping others find their place. Marnie believes that taking the time to understand each individual allows them to flourish in their careers. She emphasizes that all it takes is one person to truly believe in someone’s potential, and that belief can be the spark that ignites a remarkable journey.

Empowering Both Clients and Team

Marnie, with a master’s degree that bridged the gap between healthcare and education, held a firm belief: education was the cornerstone of everything. She often said, “If we’re the experts, then the customer is hiring us to empower them to be their best. My educational background instilled in me the importance of teaching and nurturing growth in our clients.”

This philosophy wasn’t just lip service. Marnie understood the healthcare industry’s constant struggle to find the right talent. Her education, encompassing both healthcare and education systems, allowed her to understand the complex workings of the healthcare market. This knowledge became a powerful tool as she mentored her team, teaching them how to identify and source the perfect candidates for any healthcare position.

Marnie wasn’t just a recruiter; she was an educator, a believer in the transformative power of knowledge, and a champion for both her clients and her team.

Prioritizing People and Potential

Building and developing high-performing teams is one of Marnie’s passions. But her focus goes beyond just the team’s achievements; it’s about the individuals who make it happen. She sees each team member not as a number or a KPI, but as the human element that fuels the magic of the entire operation.

Marnie fosters a culture of excellence and collaboration. She promotes never-ending learning, encouraging her team to constantly expand their knowledge and push boundaries. “Dream big,” she asserts, and under her guidance, innovation flourishes naturally from the rich tapestry of inclusivity. Marnie cultivates an environment where every voice is valued, every idea heard, and every person empowered to contribute their unique talents. It’s this human-centric approach, this belief in the collective potential, that makes Marnie a truly inspiring leader.

Recipe for a Thriving Team

Marnie shares the importance of a supportive environment. To achieve this, she focuses on fostering collaboration, trust, and diversity within her team. She equips her team with the resources, tools, and dedicated time needed to experiment, test, and refine their ideas. Marnie encourages open communication, urging her team to share insights, feedback, and learnings freely with each other and stakeholders. This commitment to continuous learning extends to Marnie herself, who actively attends conferences, devours research, and cultivates a strong network.

Marnie champions employee performance coaching as a powerful tool for on-the-job learning. This approach goes beyond simply correcting weaknesses; it cultivates strengths as well. By leveraging day-to-day situations and regular one-on-one meetings, managers gain a deeper understanding of their employees and can offer personalized guidance. Marnie believes the ultimate goal is to empower each team member to develop their own strategies for improvement and take control of their professional growth. This focus on individual development, coupled with a collaborative environment, is what makes Marnie such a successful leader in today’s dynamic business world.

Leadership Advice for Women

Marnie’s advice for women who want to be leaders, especially in staffing, recruiting, or anything else. She says the most important thing is to believe in yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you can’t do something because you’re a woman. Believe you can and don’t be afraid of tough jobs. Be strong and handle whatever comes your way.

Marnie further adds you need good leadership skills. A great leader thinks ahead, gets people excited, works well with others, and makes sure things run smoothly. They’re also good at helping people grow and keeping the workplace happy and productive.

About Supreme Staffing

Supreme Staffing bridges the gap between job seekers and employers, fostering perfect partnerships for all. They achieve this by actively listening to both parties and understanding their specific goals and expectations.

Whether it’s a full-time position or a temporary solution, Supreme Staffing is equipped to provide the ideal job fit for everyone involved. Their expertise lies in creating win-win situations. They recognize the importance of matching the right person with the right job, ensuring a successful and satisfying experience for both employers and job seekers.