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Elena Giménez | Managing Director of Spain at Speexx

Listening to the Future: Elena Giménez’s Journey in Training and Innovation

We stand at the precipice of a transformative era where digitalization and e-learning are fundamentally reshaping the corporate landscape. Gone are the days of rigid hierarchies and siloed information. Today, businesses thrive in a hyperconnected ecosystem where information flows freely and collaboration transcends geographical boundaries.

Spearheading the evolution of training, Elena Giménez, Managing Director of Spain at Speexx, is emerging as a pioneering force. With a profound understanding of global business strategy, she navigates the intricacies of the digital world with deftness, driving innovation and corporate communication to new heights.

Having dedicated several years to the training realm, Elena stands at the helm of Speexx Spain, directing a seamless fusion of people and technology in language learning. Her journey epitomizes a relentless hunt for progress, marked by a deep-seated pride in her team’s accomplishments and an untiring belief in the transformative power of their work.

Elena’s conviction resonates in her daily endeavors—she is steadfast in her belief that their efforts make a tangible difference. For individuals—it’s about enhancing employability and performance and for organizations—it’s about realizing their objectives in the digital landscape.

Striking the Balance

Accentuating on role of technology in the field of training and coaching, Elena’s vision, as she puts it, “Technology has never been more important but the human factor has never been more important, too.” Elena emphasizes, ‘finding the right balance’ between the two is pivotal. Speexx envisions being the premier People Development Platform. Collaborating with L&D, they facilitate the shift from traditional to digital learning, focusing on interactive experiences and coaching.

Technology aids in personalizing user experiences while enhancing scalability, sustainability and data-driven approaches. Elena underscores that putting the focus on people and the development of their skills remains central. This holistic approach ensures that individuals adapt and thrive in the landscape. At Speexx, the fusion of technology and human-centric strategies propels learning forward bridging the gap between innovation and individual growth.

Leading the Way

Today’s ebullient market landscape requires staying attuned to customer feedback. Elena mentions, “We must continually listen to different kinds of organizations, customers, partners, associations, and other stakeholders.” Collaboration towards shared objectives is crucial for shaping the future of both companies and society at large.

The imperative for continuous learning is increasingly recognized by companies striving for success but more than that survival. Talent retention hinges on robust professional development initiatives. Moreover, leveraging digital transformation aligns processes, people and technology enhancing operational efficiency and organizational outcomes.

Speexx shoulders the responsibility of guiding organizations through these transitions, offering scalable solutions and data-driven insights for informed decision-making. Echoing the wisdom of Xavier Marcet, they endeavor to stay ‘just half a step ahead of customers’ needs and aspirations,’ ensuring timely innovation.

Ultimately, it’s about striking the delicate balance between anticipating market demands and delivering innovation at the opportune moment. Speexx stands poised to assist organizations in navigating these challenges, fostering resilience and driving sustainable growth in an ever-evolving business landscape.

From Theory to Practice

Towards a cohesive effective approach to learning solutions and professional development, Elena focuses on multiple aspects. Balancing these aspects, she shares that communication, digitalization, e-learning, and innovation are intertwined. She emphasizes, “Technology is our ally in improving communication skills.” Speexx recognizes the imperative of guiding clients through vital digital transformations. As Elena notes, “There is still a lot of room for growth in the SaaS industry.” Disparities in digitalization across markets present both challenges and opportunities.

Speexx stands poised to address these dynamics, leveraging technology to enhance communication skills and facilitate digitalization. By embracing innovation and e-learning, they empower clients to navigate the evolving landscape of the digital age. With a commitment to continual improvement and adaptability, Speexx remains at the forefront of driving organizational success in an increasingly digital world.

Transformative Technology

Innovation is ingrained in Speexx’s identity where Elena affirms, “At Speexx we have not only tried to adapt what we do at all times, we have tried to build the future, to be agents of change. Innovation is part of our DNA.” As the conversation around AI and Generative AI gains momentum, their transformative impact on corporate learning is undeniable.

AI revolutionizes the service landscape enabling Speexx to prioritize customer needs and deliver optimal solutions. Elena highlights, “AI will make user experiences even better,” expediting the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Embracing these technological advancements, Speexx positions itself as a vanguard of change, propelling the future of professional development. With a steadfast commitment to innovation, they navigate the evolving landscape of learning ensuring clients remain ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing world.

Harnessing Collective Knowledge

Elena champions a leadership ethos rooted in service, humility and ambition. She emphasizes, “We must make our teams grow, make people shine,” fostering an environment where individuals thrive, even if it means they may seek new challenges elsewhere.

In today’s flat organizational structures, effective leadership hinges on promoting open communication and cultivating trust and respect. Elena underscores the importance of creating environments that nurture essential skills like critical thinking and problem-solving.

In the rapidly changing landscape, swift decision-making is a chief task. Empowering teams and leveraging their collective knowledge becomes imperative. Elena’s approach resonates with the necessity of adapting to change and harnessing the full potential of every team member.

By embracing service-oriented leadership and prioritizing individual growth, organizations can navigate complexities with agility and drive sustainable success in an increasingly dynamic world.

Cultivating Growth Together

Elena asserts that encouraging curiosity within teams fosters creativity, innovation and productivity. She highlights the collective responsibility to drive progress, “We must be able to generate a culture that empowers and facilitates everyone to develop and share new ideas.”

Elena believes that collaborative endeavors with other organizations and associations are integral. Finding common ground for cooperation benefits clients and contributes positively to society at large.

SaaS companies and their role extends past mere service provision. Elena underscores, “We build long-term relationships so we grow together alongside our customers.” Facilitating digital transformation and enhancing competitiveness, SaaS companies forge enduring partnerships that fuel mutual growth and success.

The Power of Listening

At Speexx, teamwork is foundational, emphasizes Elena. She points out, “Every contribution, every point of view and every experience is important.” She highlights the collective effort towards a shared goal. Elena believes that an essential factor is listening. It holds immense significance, both internally and externally. She stresses the need for moments of reflection and active listening fostering an environment where creativity thrives and new initiatives are embraced.

Elena notes that tolerance for error is crucial as it cultivates a safe space conducive to innovation. However, she emphasizes that the ultimate focus should be on a common purpose. “What we do at Speexx has worth: we empower people!” she enthuses. Working towards a meaningful goal, Speexx enables organizations to maximize the potential of each team member. Elena’s passion for empowering individuals resonates making the work both fulfilling and purposeful.

Empowering Individuals and Teams

Contributing to broader goals of enhancing employability and performance for individuals, Elena underlines different implementations. At Speexx, Elena emphasizes, “We offer the best combination of people and technology to improve employee competencies.” With a historical focus on languages, Speexx has empowered countless individuals to enhance their communication skills, providing personalized learning at scale.

Introducing business coaching underscores Speexx’s commitment to unleashing the potential of every team member. Elena notes, “Now we help to bring out the best in each team,” reflecting a holistic approach to professional development.

Speexx aims to foster continuous growth through digital training, coaching and AI-driven e-learning. Elena highlights this approach is more than acquiring skills, but also instilling a culture of lifelong learning and adaptability.

By leveraging technology and personalized learning experiences, Speexx endeavors to equip individuals and organizations with the tools they need to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving landscape.

Clearing the Path to Global Success

Elena stresses that the challenge for many organizations is internationalization. She stresses the crucial role of communication. Speexx offers solutions to enhance employee communication skills efficiently, scalably and securely.

Their extensive experience enables them to execute complex integrations seamlessly within clients’ talent management systems ensuring a smooth user experience. Reaffirming Speexx’s commitment to facilitating effective communication in globalized environments, Elena emphasizes, “Our solutions can help our customers to improve the communication skills of their employees.”

With Speexx, organizations can navigate the complexities of internationalization with confidence, equipped with the tools needed to foster clear and impactful communication across borders.

Learning Every Day

Elena emphasizes, “What we do has great value, as it has a positive impact on people and organizations.” With Speexx Coaching, their impact expands even further marking a significant transformation within the organization.

Reflecting on her tenure at Speexx, Elena notes, “We are a great example of constant adaptation and innovation.” This highlights the company’s commitment to growth and progress. However, it’s not just about the organization—Elena expresses gratitude for the enriching environment she’s part of. “I am very fortunate to be in an environment where I learn every day and I am surrounded by great professionals who are very inspiring,” she says.

Engaging with professionals beyond Speexx further amplifies Elena’s learning experience. She finds it ‘really enriching’ to interact with a diverse network of individuals dedicated to developing people in various capacities. Her journey at Speexx underscores the importance of continuous learning, innovation and collaboration in fostering personal and professional growth.

A Celebration of Excellence and Innovation

Elena Alvarez, the Managing Director of Spain at Speexx, has been recognized and celebrated by CIOWomen Leaders as one of the Top 10 Women Leaders in SaaS in 2024. This prestigious award honors Elena’s outstanding leadership, dedication, and significant contributions to the SaaS industry.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge, Elena embraces each day as an opportunity to learn and grow. With a fervent commitment to excellence and a visionary approach to the future of training, Elena embodies the ethos of Speexx, creating ripples of positive change in the industry.

Elena’s commitment to innovation, strategic thinking, and relentless pursuit of excellence has played a pivotal role in establishing Speexx as a leading organization in the SaaS domain. This recognition is a well-deserved acknowledgment of her tireless efforts and remarkable achievements. CIO Women Leaders extends its heartfelt congratulations to Elena Alvarez on this well-earned accolade. Her leadership continues to inspire Speexx’s team and foster a culture of excellence and innovation within the establishment.